When it comes to HVAC service in Elgin, IL, there are some things that homeowners just shouldn’t try to do on their own. For instance, a compressor problem or a refrigerant leak likely requires hours of diagnosis and repair by a licensed professional, and no amount of quick guides online or “DIY hacks” are going to make that any easier.
This is where DIY work can get demoralizing, and it can seem stressful to even think about AC repairs. What’s the use of having a powerful piece of cooling equipment in your home if you can’t fix it?
But we never said you can’t fix things on your own. The important part is determining what you can do on your own and what requires the help of a licensed professional. Let’s break this down in clear terms so you don’t have to worry about the results.
What You Can Do
Let’s start with some things you can do for your air conditioner when you think something is wrong.
You CAN inspect the system and clean it up. Dust can do numbers on your air conditioner, and a problem will likely give off symptoms like a strange sound or a foul odor. Take a few walks around your air conditioner’s indoor and outdoor components. Clean off the dust and examine it. The more details you notice, the more help you’ll be when you schedule professional repairs.
You CAN change the air filter. This component requires monthly to quarterly maintenance and we recommend homeowners be the ones who do it. It can seriously make a dent in your energy bills and keep your home feeling clear.
You CAN adjust the thermostat. Especially if you have a smart thermostat, this tool will be a powerful ally when trying to determine what’s wrong with your AC. See how it works at different temperature thresholds and play around with the settings to get maximum comfort.
What You Can’t Do
You CAN’T open the system up and fix a problem. Once you open up your air conditioner, you potentially void the warranty and also increase the likelihood of making a mistake that breaks something.
You CAN’T accurately diagnose a problem. You might have a hunch or an assumption as to what’s going on with your system, but diagnosis is one of the most complex parts of AC repair. Only a licensed professional can make that call with certainty.
You CAN’T install a new unit. Tired of your old unit and just want to install a new air conditioner? This is considered a replacement and is a good solution, but not one that is DIY friendly. A licensed professional technician can handle this work for you, and we can even help you decide if it’s time to make the investment.
When in Doubt
If you’re unsure as to what you can do and what you can’t, especially after reading this blog, then be sure to call our team and ask us! We’re friendly and on-call 24/7 so we can walk you through the process from start to finish.
Schedule an appointment with your heating and cooling specialists at 24Hr Home Comfort Services Inc.